Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Isreali milltary and goverment have permission.

Doggie u.s chief of staff named Major Moo,the doggie called the Isreali Prime Minster and gave himself and their goverment permission to Launch another Air Strike inside Iran, to bomb their many nuclear power plants and miltary bases.
Doggie u.s chief of staff major moo got permission from Human C.I.A Director Jack Ryan to send 600,000 C.I.A BLACK OPS COMMANDOS,along with 3000 Bristish s.a.s commandos, along with 700,000 u.s army delta force commandos,and also coming along for this very dangerious mitlary raid inside Iran ,to help locate those Iranian nuclear power pants deep inside Iran, are a very large group of well armed Royal Bristh MARINES , Will mark the areas where those iranian nuclear power plants are located in Iran, So those 700,000 Isreali f-16 steath fighter bombers can fly inside Iran and drop lots of bunker buster bombs on them and have them all blown up.
60,000 u.s and Britsh f-14 fighter bombers will along side those isreali fighter jets while on their bommbing raid inside, as support, just in case, the Iranian Miltarty fires surface -to air missiles at them.
There are news reports from the doggie-human miltarty command that are 300 Chinese Miltary advisors inside Iran,heling the Iranian miltary Launch their newly installed aircraft carrier -misslie killer missiles that the Chinese Miltary sold to Iran and their psyopath President ,WHO can wait them, because there are britsh ,U.S and French u.s navy ships crusing off the coast of Iran.

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